Jeremiah School is nice!!! Wow!!! A total of 22 teenagers attended JS, 11 girls and 11 boys plus 3 mentors [ Austin Sia, Herbet Tan and Chang Choy Quin ] attended. It is held at SUFES Campsite, Tapah. It is a school to raise up Christians to not only be future pastors, but also to encourage youths to be involved in full-time ministry for God ( I think ).
Anyway, at JS we have to wash our own clothes, by means of soaking and scrubbing ( no washing machine ). The schedule is quite packed and there are only lunch break, afternoon break or games, dinner break and supper before lights out. Light outs are observed strictly and no curfews ( according to Aunty Choy Quin, this is a school, not camp, therefore no curfews ). The food is nice there. We also had chapel time, every Tuesday and Thursday night, where every student get a chance to share whatever they want to share. Personally I think it is a good practice as not everbody had ever shared before ( including me ). My chapel time is at 3rd February, right after the CNY break.
I learned a lot of things during JS, such as Conversational Ministry, how to meditate on God's word, the importance of evangelism, in which the Bible clearly states that we are to make disciples of all nations ( The Great Commision ). We also did the Freedom In Christ thing, how to study the Bible and lots more.
The fun part of JS is the students there. We had built a Christian community where everyone be open to one another. It was quite hard at 1st but as the days go by, everyone sort of got closer to each other. Even I am surprised at myself ( if you know me you would know why ).
I regretted that i didn't bring my camera there. But I'll surely bring after this CNY break. Memories may fade but digital pictures do not. I surely do not want to forget my JS friends. I learned a lot of things from them, especially the fact that bring everything to God in prayer. They did it all the time, I don't even think about praying to God.
We played captain ball everyday, as long as the conditions are right, such as permission from Aunty Choy Quin, no rain, etc.
Thats all for now. More updates to come later.
Jesus teacher Nicodemus - John 3:1-18
9 years ago