Last week, my friends asked me something. First he asked me whether Christians believe in the end of the world. I said yes. Then he told me somebody, a christian, went to a camp and said the end's going to come at year 2012. Then, just now I read Michelle Little Girl's blog, and she also said her friend said the end's going to come at 2012.
What is this? I could say it would come next year and given enough persistance and spreading, everyone would say it is true.
Don't believe such things. We won't know when it's coming, just like you won't know whether it will rain or not. As simple as that.
Jesus teacher Nicodemus - John 3:1-18
9 years ago
tAnother friend of mine, two years ago said the world will end in 2030, but it sped to 2012 this year.
Who knew the apocalypse was flexible, huh? ;)
Guess it's crapppppppp....
Now you're stalking me
I'm not. :/ I'm just reading your blog. -nod-
little stalker girl
woot have you watched the movie neway?
What movie? Did anybody mention a movie here?
It IS a movie, with the main actor John Cusack. Release date on the 12th of Nov.
Haha~ Agreeing with your post~
It's always best to just live the life we have and get ready to meet Him than to last minute ask for forgiveness and living a good life crap~
One of my friends belive that, but we all wondered: If she did, why did she take SPM? ~Crazy ppl~
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