Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Last week, my friends asked me something. First he asked me whether Christians believe in the end of the world. I said yes. Then he told me somebody, a christian, went to a camp and said the end's going to come at year 2012. Then, just now I read Michelle Little Girl's blog, and she also said her friend said the end's going to come at 2012.

What is this? I could say it would come next year and given enough persistance and spreading, everyone would say it is true.

Don't believe such things. We won't know when it's coming, just like you won't know whether it will rain or not. As simple as that.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


God created us male and female. Scientists studied about human DNA and genes and stuff. During the formation of gametes (sexual reproductive cells) the genes in our DNA are recombined in a different way so that we have different characteristics as our parents. According to studies, there are genes which controls hair color, skin color, and the list goes on. The are chromosomes that controls our gender. Males have XY-chromosomes and girl XX-chromosomes.

This is what I got from STARMAG (Sunday STAR), page SM4 or http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2009/10/4/lifefocus/4729310&sec=lifefocus.

1.Gender: A socially constructed system of classification that ascribes qualities of masculinity and femininity to people.
[I understand it as : people see you as male/female on the outside.]

2.Gender identity: The gender one sees oneself as – masculine/feminine, male/female, including refusing to label oneself with a gender. Gender identity does not cause sexual orientation. For example, a masculine woman is not necessarily a lesbian.
[I understand it as : who you are on the inside.]

3.Sexual orientation: Aka sexuality, the deep-seated direction of one’s sexual (erotic) attraction, for example:
·Heterosexual, or “straight” – a person who experiences sexual, emotional, and/or romantic attraction to a sex other than his own (“attraction to the opposite sex”).
·Homosexual, or “gay” – a person who is attracted to the same sex.
Given the extistence of intersexualism, transsexualism and transgenderism, these definitions are limiting and not entirely accurate.
·Bisexual, or “bi” – a person who is attracted to two sexes or two genders (not necessarily simultaneously or equally.)
·Pansexual – a person who is fluid in sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Transsexualism is not a sexual orientation.
[I understand all these as : the sexual side of you determined by your abnormal genes (I consider these as an abnormality).]

4.Transsexual: Someone who experiences a mismatch between his/her biological sex and gender identity, and can be of any sexual orientation.
According to reports from the Malaysian transsexual community, they number close to 20,000, says sociology Prof Teh Yik Koon from the National Defence University of Malaysia. (In her 2002 book, The Mak Nyahs: Malaysian Male to Female Transsexuals, she estimated their numbers at 10,000.)
[I understand this as : serious abnormality in your sex chromosomes.]

5.Transitioning: A transsexual may undergo medical and/or surgical treatment to change his/her physical sex to match his/her gender identity. This is a complicated, multi-step process that can take years and may include sex reassignment surgery.
[To me this is some crazy process where you change yourself from male to female and vice versa. Not recommended for sane and normal humans like you and me.]

6.Trans man: A female-to-male transition (FTM).
[What I think : basically some crazy people.]
Trans woman: A male-to-female transition (MTF).
[What I think : more crazy people.]
All transsexuals are transgender, or “trans” persons, but not all trans-persons are transsexuals.
[This sentence means although some people are normal they still change their sex. Really really crazy people.]

7.Transgender people: Those whose gender identities differ from the social expectations for the physical sex they were born with, including transvestites (cross-dressers), transgenderists (people who live mostly in a gender role different from their biological gender), gender queers (people who blur the boundaries of gender even further), and people who identify as neither female nor male. “Transgender” is not a sexual orientation; transgender people can be of any sexual orientation.
[Comment : abnormal genes.]

Finally, a person can be in (secretive) or out (open with others) about his/her sexual orientation and gender identity in varying degrees.

So, this is what I get from The Star. Those in [] I added them myself.

What is happening actually? I have no idea, don't ask me. But there are somethings I'm curious about:
1.What are the causes of these?
My answer so far: abnormal sex chromosomes, parents drink too much alcohol or smoke too much or had some chemical in their bodies that causes the genes to become abnormal etc etc.
2.How long has these been happening? Is it just recently or it had been happening for as long as the population of humans on this earth is enough to have this abnormality happen? Did they hide these part of themselves for fear of being burnt at stakes as witches or demons?
3.Did God made them like this?
The possibilities I could think of : if God made them like that, then it must be the problem with the formation of gametes. If it is because of humans, then, it's their own fault.

I don't think it's their fault actually. The Bible says sins are passed down for a few generations, if it is caused by sin. If it's caused by God, it's also not their fault. But those who change their physical sex are crazy, and those who are genetically normal and changes sex, that's crazy.

If these phenomenon happens throughout the ages, why do people choose this time to come out to the open? Different way of thinking?

And many earthquakes and typhoons and floods and tsunami's all happen in one go... What next? Ice berg floating down from north pole aided by 100 typhoons and 500 tsunami's acquiring the speed of light and smashing it's way all over the globe and finally smash into the sun causing a supernova and then rampaging throughout the whole universe then the end of the world? Lol... How ah?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I got this from http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/sky_blue.html

On a clear sunny day, the sky above us looks bright blue. In the evening, the sunset puts on a brilliant show of reds, pinks and oranges. Why is the sky blue? What makes the sunset red?

To answer these questions, we must learn about light, and the Earth's atmosphere.


The atmosphere is the mixture of gas molecules and other materials surrounding the earth. It is made mostly of the gases nitrogen (78%), and oxygen (21%). Argon gas and water (in the form of vapor, droplets and ice crystals) are the next most common things. There are also small amounts of other gases, plus many small solid particles, like dust, soot and ashes, pollen, and salt from the oceans.

The composition of the atmosphere varies, depending on your location, the weather, and many other things. There may be more water in the air after a rainstorm, or near the ocean. Volcanoes can put large amounts of dust particles high into the atmosphere. Pollution can add different gases or dust and soot.

The atmosphere is densest (thickest) at the bottom, near the Earth. It gradually thins out as you go higher and higher up. There is no sharp break between the atmosphere and space.


Light is a kind of energy that radiates, or travels, in waves. Many different kinds of energy travel in waves. For example, sound is a wave of vibrating air. Light is a wave of vibrating electric and magnetic fields. It is one small part of a larger range of vibrating electromagnetic fields. This range is called the electromagnetic spectrum.

Electromagnetic waves travel through space at 299,792 km/sec (186,282 miles/sec). This is called the speed of light.

The energy of the radiation depends on its wavelength and frequency. Wavelength is the distance between the tops (crests) of the waves. Frequency is the number of waves that pass by each second. The longer the wavelength of the light, the lower the frequency, and the less energy it contains.


Visible light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that our eyes can see. Light from the sun or a light bulb may look white, but it is actually a combination of many colors. We can see the different colors of the spectrum by splitting the light with a prism. The spectrum is also visible when you see a rainbow in the sky.

The colors blend continuously into one another. At one end of the spectrum are the reds and oranges. These gradually shade into yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The colors have different wavelengths, frequencies, and energies. Violet has the shortest wavelength in the visible spectrum. That means it has the highest frequency and energy. Red has the longest wavelength, and lowest frequency and energy.


Light travels through space in a straight line as long as nothing disturbs it. As light moves through the atmosphere, it continues to go straight until it bumps into a bit of dust or a gas molecule. Then what happens to the light depends on its wave length and the size of the thing it hits.

Dust particles and water droplets are much larger than the wavelength of visible light. When light hits these large particles, it gets reflected, or bounced off, in different directions. The different colors of light are all reflected by the particle in the same way. The reflected light appears white because it still contains all of the same colors.

Gas molecules are smaller than the wavelength of visible light. If light bumps into them, it acts differently. When light hits a gas molecule, some of it may get absorbed. After awhile, the molecule radiates (releases, or gives off) the light in a different direction. The color that is radiated is the same color that was absorbed. The different colors of light are affected differently. All of the colors can be absorbed. But the higher frequencies (blues) are absorbed more often than the lower frequencies (reds). This process is called Rayleigh scattering. (It is named after Lord John Rayleigh, an English physicist, who first described it in the 1870's.)


The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.

However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.

As you look closer to the horizon, the sky appears much paler in color. To reach you, the scattered blue light must pass through more air. Some of it gets scattered away again in other directions. Less blue light reaches your eyes. The color of the sky near the horizon appears paler or white.


On Earth, the sun appears yellow. If you were out in space, or on the moon, the sun would look white. In space, there is no atmosphere to scatter the sun's light. On Earth, some of the shorter wavelength light (the blues and violets) are removed from the direct rays of the sun by scattering. The remaining colors together appear yellow.

Also, out in space, the sky looks dark and black, instead of blue. This is because there is no atmosphere. There is no scattered light to reach your eyes.


As the sun begins to set, the light must travel farther through the atmosphere before it gets to you. More of the light is reflected and scattered. As less reaches you directly, the sun appears less bright. The color of the sun itself appears to change, first to orange and then to red. This is because even more of the short wavelength blues and greens are now scattered. Only the longer wavelengths are left in the direct beam that reaches your eyes.

The sky around the setting sun may take on many colors. The most spectacular shows occur when the air contains many small particles of dust or water. These particles reflect light in all directions. Then, as some of the light heads towards you, different amounts of the shorter wavelength colors are scattered out. You see the longer wavelengths, and the sky appears red, pink or orange.


Why is the sky blue?

Light is a kind of energy that can travel through space. Light from the sun or a light bulb looks white, but it is really a mixture of many colors. The colors in white light are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. You can see these colors when you look at a rainbow in the sky.

The sky is filled with air. Air is a mixture of tiny gas molecules and small bits of solid stuff, like dust.

As sunlight goes through the air, it bumps into the molecules and dust. When light hits a gas molecule, it may bounce off in a different direction. Some colors of light, like red and orange, pass straight through the air. But most of the blue light bounces off in all directions. In this way, the blue light gets scattered all around the sky.

When you look up, some of this blue light reaches your eyes from all over the sky. Since you see blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.

In space, there is no air. Because there is nothing for the light to bounce off, it just goes straight. None of the light gets scattered, and the "sky" looks dark and black.

Source : http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/sky_blue.html

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Realise...

I don't see electricity. But I can see what it can do.
I don't see, fell, touch, smell, taste God, but I can see what he does. The people around me is proof of that. People in church, MYF, other churches, from all over Malaysia, bla bla bla...
Yeah, the only thing to do now is to figure what is actually the problem. Give me time.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Something from My Mind - Kids

At church, there are lots of kids.
Kids are playful.
This morning before church school started I saw 3 kids bullying a kid.
Three against one.
They kept hitting him and running away.
The kid remained quite calm, but I can see he's aggravated too.
If I am not a good boy I would knock their heads together.
When church school started i can see that his arms are all red.
And there's this kid who can't stay still.
My mom have to always drag him around.
And there's another kid.
He's intelligent, and he's eager for attention.
Now he's graduated and he attends MYF.
He's somehow weird, opposite of me.
And his peers of the same age despise him.
They will jeer at him.
Bully him.
And during church school time they won't play with him.
At MYF he's very eager to show that he knows things. He wants attention.
Well, he's a nice kid. But he's kind of alone.
I'll move on to another kid.
A small kid this time.
A small kid who will just come to me and "play" with me whenever she sees me.
And I'm not a very "kid" person.
It's amazing how kids are innocent and they don't care who you are.
Now that I'm not a kid anymore, I sometimes missed my younger days.( not that I'm old, but I have my younger days )
Right now I can't relax in peace.
There are always unwanted things on my mind.
But if I ignore them something bad will happen.
Such as not studying etc etc.
As a kid I never cared about these things.
Last time I could read books as much as I wanted.
Now, if I were to read a long book, I might forget everything.
I might even lack sleep.
It's been a long time since I really read a book.
And there's the future to think about.
When I was a kid I seldom think about the future.
Or should I say never.
If it were to be put into an equation, where x = thoughts about the future, I would say x = o.1^infinity.
In case you don't know the value it's very small.
I think I deviated from half the topic.
So, back to topic, I think kids are nice, good, and whatever words in the dictionary which have similar meaning to good and nice.
So, be nice to kids, don't knock their heads together.

Matthew 18:3 And He said:"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Kids are innocent, pure and simple minded. When they believe in something they believe will all their heart. But as we grow older, our minds develops and we think more. We will start to doubt God.
This is something somebody at sometime told me:
"Faith is believing without any doubts. We have faith in a chair. We have faith that the chair would support our weight when we sit on it. We don't think twice when sitting on a chair." ( I rephrased the sentence, I was quite a long time ago )
In my opinion, that's the kind of faith a child has. God wants us to have that kind of faith. Do we have faith like a kid? Do we believe in God like we have faith in a chair?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Yeah, update, form 6, very deep, as in learn deep things, you know what I mean, cause it's not easy, not hard either, maths answers are long, yeah.
About teachers, MUET teacher like don't know how to teach, yeah, chemistry too fast, hard understand, partly because my foundation not good. But go tuition can learn better.
General Paper sucked as expected. Physics teacher can teach, but I don't remember, better learn properly at tuition.
Enough for academics, now for social, I found somebody who is also weird, who is unique in a special way like me, although we are the opposite, meaning I'm stone and the other person is the opposite of stone, yeah.
Finally got some ideas for my future. Maybe if my music improve a lot and i managed to learn some music theory maybe I'll join or make or whatever-word-to-use a band. Or maybe I'll go into ministry or maybe even learn some deep stuff like quantum physics or astronomy, or maybe things relation to the theory of relativity or nuclear thing or experiment with light-speed-transport or wormholes or black holes or time travel which I think is impossible no matter how humans research it, unless God wants human to succeed, which in my opinion is most likely not.
Yeah, and some days ago I decided to really train myself to be a leader, although I don't know how, but according to my experience in life (18 years) things will just work out fine. So I don't have to worry about that.
I also want to improve on my music and singing because I can't sing at all.
And at facebook people keep on buying my pets away from me, maybe because I bought their pets away from them first, yeah.
Yeah, I think that's all, is it all? Should be all, yeah.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

For my dear friend...

Go get it yourself I tried posting here it went all cacated...


Monday, May 25, 2009

Form 6

I'm back on this blog... Welcome myself...
Well, Form 6 is interesting, tiring (have to take naps everyday) and well, tuition is long, 2.5 hours per class.
Physics is OK, Maths is fun, Chemistry boring, PA is partly fun, because I don't like the essay part, and MUET is, normal.
About teachers, lets start from the least-liked.
Firstly is my Physics teacher. He will come into the class, and without a word or acknowledging the students (even though we greet him), he will just start the lesson by "OK class we continue yesterday, bla bla bla... Then he will just write and explain then give us exercise to do.
Secondly is my PA-essay part teacher. He will put up a power point presentation, read from it, while we copy, and he will read slowly, like he haven't eaten for days. Enough about him.
Thirdly is Chemistry teacher. She can teach well, but, a bit fast in terms of speaking and she uses power point too. For every part of the syllabus she taught she will teach us to do questions. Quite a good teacher.
Fourthly is Maths teacher. Well, you can say he is not up to his word(s). During the first lesson he says that he doesn't care whether we pay attention in class or not, and he don't care whether we are absent or not. But recently he's been scolding students who are talking and not paying attention. By the way, you can see that he's excited when he is teaching.
Fifth is my PA-Maths or whatever-you-call-it part teacher. He is funny, and he likes to "bomb" a lot. Good teacher.
Lastly is MUET teacher. Well, I think he is the best because he interacts with the students a lot and the 1st thing he did during the 1st lesson is to discipline us and to get to know our names. There is a lot of participation from the students.
Thats all for now, more to come as the year goes by......

Friday, February 27, 2009

Local Youth Prayer Gathering

LYPG is basically a gathering where youth gather together to pray. In Alor Star, it was 1st held at FGC and will be held every fortnightly. This 13th March it will be held at our church, WMC Alor Star, 4.15 p.m. to 515 p.m. Please come if you can!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sweet Memories

My JS cupboard.
All of these reminds me of JS...
The 2 books are my diary and Bible... Diary reminds me of what occurred in JS, the Bible reminds me that I grew closer to God during JS, and also its the same Bible as Han Yun's.
The stone on my diary ( blue ) is my nickname, Stone!!! The two bands I broke are given by Sarah Yong ( sorry ).
The ping pong ball signifies Captain Ball.
The pick on the right and the drumsticks reminds me of the jamming times with all of you.
The orange present is given my the guy's mentors ( its a cup ).
The brush is to remind me that i first handwash my clothes at JS.
The file behind is what I learned at JS.
The tracts on the left is given for evangelistic purposes.
The chocolate mirror is given my Aunty Choy Quin.
The Rubik Cube I bought at Gurney Plaza reminds me of Melissa Joy. She likes my cube.
The burger reminds me of Michael. He likes Ramli burger.
The comb, well, I comb my hair a lot till all of you make fun of me.
The black card is given by Winnie.
The US dollar bill given by Reverend Ong has the inscription "In God We Trust".
The yellow paper is our mass event "Break Free" flier, giant version.
Behind is the map of taiping.
That's all for my cupboard.

The words on the card reads:
The Truth Shall Set You Free
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. - Romans 8 : 1

Monday, January 26, 2009

Jeremiah School 2009

Jeremiah School is nice!!! Wow!!! A total of 22 teenagers attended JS, 11 girls and 11 boys plus 3 mentors [ Austin Sia, Herbet Tan and Chang Choy Quin ] attended. It is held at SUFES Campsite, Tapah. It is a school to raise up Christians to not only be future pastors, but also to encourage youths to be involved in full-time ministry for God ( I think ).

Anyway, at JS we have to wash our own clothes, by means of soaking and scrubbing ( no washing machine ). The schedule is quite packed and there are only lunch break, afternoon break or games, dinner break and supper before lights out. Light outs are observed strictly and no curfews ( according to Aunty Choy Quin, this is a school, not camp, therefore no curfews ). The food is nice there. We also had chapel time, every Tuesday and Thursday night, where every student get a chance to share whatever they want to share. Personally I think it is a good practice as not everbody had ever shared before ( including me ). My chapel time is at 3rd February, right after the CNY break.

I learned a lot of things during JS, such as Conversational Ministry, how to meditate on God's word, the importance of evangelism, in which the Bible clearly states that we are to make disciples of all nations ( The Great Commision ). We also did the Freedom In Christ thing, how to study the Bible and lots more.

The fun part of JS is the students there. We had built a Christian community where everyone be open to one another. It was quite hard at 1st but as the days go by, everyone sort of got closer to each other. Even I am surprised at myself ( if you know me you would know why ).

I regretted that i didn't bring my camera there. But I'll surely bring after this CNY break. Memories may fade but digital pictures do not. I surely do not want to forget my JS friends. I learned a lot of things from them, especially the fact that bring everything to God in prayer. They did it all the time, I don't even think about praying to God.

We played captain ball everyday, as long as the conditions are right, such as permission from Aunty Choy Quin, no rain, etc.

Thats all for now. More updates to come later.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Christmas, as always, has no much difference, go to church, exchange presents, Christmas party, so on and so forth...
But, this year, 2009, we celebrated our 1st Christmas at the new sanctuary!!!!

Look at our pastor!!! He looks so happy.

After church service, we had lunch!!! Look at the amount of people!!!

Dr. Lee is so nice to serve all of us.. hehe^^

After lunch, we went home, of course.